When do we meet?
Sunday Mornings
10:00am Worship Service
9:00am Sunday School
Wednesday Evenings
FSBC Kids and Youth service
Dinner 6:00pm
Service 6:30-7:15pm
10:00am Worship Service
9:00am Sunday School
Wednesday Evenings
FSBC Kids and Youth service
Dinner 6:00pm
Service 6:30-7:15pm
What to expect?
We strive to worship Jesus through everything we do. Sunday morning worship service is centered on biblical preaching from our pastor and a blend of contemporary and traditional music led by our worship team and choir. We offer childcare for services and activities for all age groups. We'd love to have you join us!
What about Kids?
Nursery is provided during Sunday school and worship service for new born to 3 years old. Children’s church is provided for 4 year old to 1st grade during worship service. An announcement is made when it is time to dismiss for children’s church.
What do I wear?
You are welcome just as you are. On Sundays, we have attenders in dress pants and ties, jeans and t-shirt, and everywhere in between. We believe that it’s the attitude of your heart that matters to God, rather than your physical appearance.
What style of music is used in your Worship Service?
Our worship service consists of a blend of traditional hymns and praise and worship music led by our worship leader, praise team, and choir.
What version of the Bible do you use?
We accept all versions of the Bible that hold true to God’s Word. Our pastor typically preaches from the NKJV.